Our Kids at Heart supports 3 Sacred Heart parish students in Grade 12 along with 32 more in lower grades attending San Juan Diego Catholic High School and they are already accepted at Saint Mary Catholic University from San Antonio, UTSA, and other colleges.

14 Apr
Saint Mary Cathedral Gala
Our Kids at Heart was a Bronze sponsor of Saint Mary Cathedral Gala on Saturday April 14th, 2018. Our Kids at Heart supports the tuition of 107 Sacred Heart parish students at Cathedral School of St. Mary.

09 Apr
National Honor Society Inductees
On Friday April 09, 2018, The National Honor Society of High School welcomed their new members; 4 of the new members are Sacred Heart parish students. Congratulations!
OKAH and GoFundMe
Our Kids at Heart partnered with GoFundMe to raised more than $10,000 to support the tuition of more than 150 students. You can contribute at gofundme.com/OurKidsatHeart.

01 Apr
OKAH and Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile donates 0.5% to Our Kids at Heart every time you shop at https://smile.amazon.com/ch/82-2206645.