Kevin just graduated from San Juan Diego High School, one of our partner schools. He will be attending the University of Dallas in the fall. Catholic education transforms the lives of the children in our program. Thank you to all who made it possible!
Wednesday of Holy Week
We find ourselves reflecting on the effects of this pandemic affecting our communities, and yet we find joy and hope in the Resurrection of the Lord.
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Amplify Austin: #ILiveHereIGiveHere
CSF: Breaking the Chains of Poverty through Catholic Education

Thank you to our #OurKidsAtHeart donors who make it possible to empower Hispanic Families to send their children to Catholic Schools.
Read more about Catholic schools help break the chains of poverty and their profile of Fr. Mark Hamlet at the CSF website:
Fr. Mark Hamlet Receives Kellerman Memorial Leadership Award

On January 11, 2020 the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Austin celebrated and honored 20 Diocesan school heroes. These individuals are members of our communities who give so much to advance the mission of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Austin. This year Fr. Mark Hamlet, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church and Our Kids at Heart Chairman received the Kellerman Memorial Leadership Award!
Our Kids at Heart Partnership with local charitable organizations
More good news on our outreach. OKAH has been asked to partner with a couple of Parish St. Vincent DePaul Societies and Catholic Charities to identify families who elect to send their children to Catholic schools. We can think of no better way to evangelize families than through the Catholic education of their children. A team of Catholic school “Ambassadors” is being formed to help these families navigate the process. We ask for your prayers and support. We have seen that Catholic education can help break poverty’s hold on these families, and assure the success of their children.
Our tuition Subsidy program is becoming a tool in the toolbox of case workers dealing with challenging family situations.
Listen to Fr. Mark’s Radio Ad:
To support this new initiative, please donate now.

Generous Supporters Allow Siblings to Attend Same Catholic School
Thanks to the generosity of the supporters of the #OurKidsatHeart tuition fund, Aly’s mom was able to enroll her younger son, Juan, in the same Catholic School that her daughter attends. Aly has been in the Cathedral School of St. Mary’s for three years; she has learned to pray, to be more kind, merciful and respectful toward others. Now Juan will experience the same #Catholic education and they will walk together into the Journey of the Catholic Faith!
May God bless all the supporters of Catholic Education and all the students in this school year 2019-2020!
OKAH Students Accepted to Colleges
Our Kids at Heart supports 3 Sacred Heart parish students in Grade 12 along with 32 more in lower grades attending San Juan Diego Catholic High School and they are already accepted at Saint Mary Catholic University from San Antonio, UTSA, and other colleges.

National Honor Society Inductees
On Friday April 09, 2018, The National Honor Society of High School welcomed their new members; 4 of the new members are Sacred Heart parish students. Congratulations!